Apra-IL recognizes and acknowledges the heaviness and anxiety that many are experiencing due to the pandemic, and is starting this new series entitled, The Prospect Development Professional’s Haven, as a calming and reflective safe space. We are providing a space for you to anonymously share questions and reflections during these difficult times, pertaining to your work and role because many can relate. In times like this, you have to know that you are never alone.
Disclaimer: The Apra-IL writer is not a licensed therapist or counselor, therefore, please seek professional guidance beyond this series.

5 ways to find moments of peace while working from home
Take real screen breaks

I have always taken the suggestion “take a screen break,” as “ok, time to stop looking at my computer, and stare at my cellphone (another screen).” But I believe we all know that “take a screen break,” actually means to take a technology break, which is hard to do nowadays. So, try to read a book during your lunch break instead of scrolling on your laptop, go for a walk or start journaling – all can really help you take a much-needed moment to yourself.
Add YOU to your priorities

If you are a caretaker of kids, family member(s), or disgruntled pets that are becoming restless by your consistent presence at home – make sure that you are taking care of yourself while upholding your priorities. When creating your to-do list, add time for yourself. In a day full of virtual schooling, lunch and dinner preps, taking the dogs out for their walks, and somehow getting your work done, there has to be time for your peace of mind. It can happen when it is penciled onto a sticky note, and/or set as a calendar reminder. Yoga at 6PM every Tuesday through Thursday, yes, the calendar reminders help.
Try something new and test the waters

How many of us have been using the same research tools for years, and still don’t know the function of certain tabs or know the extent a tool can actually best help our work? Well, it is time to push buttons and check out random tabs, or it could be time to change your research template or time to pull some data reports that question your typical process. This form of peace is based on challenging yourself, and sometimes a mental exercise can be a distraction and exhilarating. Maybe, this is what you need as you work from home.
Daydream, just for a second

Why is daydreaming still seen as something negative? Instead of stressing over the email that you still need to write, take some time to let your imagination flow or write-out your grocery list. The energy and words needed to write your email will be there when you return to it.
Why are we not appreciating the mental break? Can we flip our negative connotations with daydreaming and see it as a moment of reflection?
Catch up with a coworker, like old times

Having virtual tea, coffee, or lunch with a coworker is a great way to reset and have a pleasant conversation, similar to what you would experience as you walk into the office kitchen to wait on the microwave or get some coffee. Proactively, setting up virtual chats with coworkers to catch on life, is a reactive means to relationship building. It may not bring you peace in the serenity sense of the word, but it will remind you of a simpler time in the world when you could just engage with a coworker.
Thank you for allowing these valid feelings and experiences to be shared within The Prospect Development Professional’s Haven.
If you want to share a question or reflection at The Prospect Development Professional’s Haven, please email us at apraillinois@gmail.com